Posted Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Rachel Henson, Lisa Schiavinato and Navneet Atwal. Photo by E-Ching Lee
The N.C. Coastal Resources Law, Planning, and Policy Center bids a fond farewell to Rachel Henson and Navneet Atwal, our inaugural Environmental Policy Interns.
Started last autumn, the program is intended to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to conduct research and analysis in a professional setting, as well as give them the experience of working as part of a team.
Rachel and Navneet, a rising senior and rising junior respectively, worked on a variety of topics during their year with the center — ranging from adaptation strategies, ports, renewable energy and fossil fuels, to patents and trademarks.
They have done terrific work, and we will miss them and their cheerful dispositions.
Please join us in wishing Rachel and Navneet the best as they complete their degrees and enter the working world.
They are bright and industrious young women, and we certainly will follow their careers with interest!