Phragmites: Always a foe, or sometimes a friend?

September 1, 2015 |

Seth Theuerkauf discusses his work studying the effects of the common reed — Phragmites australis — on the marshes at Kitty Hawk Woods and Currituck Banks reserves....

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Looking Deeper into a State Reserve

August 26, 2015 |

Jill Arriola, 2015 North Carolina Sea Grant/N.C. Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve Program fellow, describes the challenges of her field work. She is studying the effects of sea-level rise on the Emily and Richardson Preyer Buckridge Reserve....

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A One-Stop Shop for Coastal Topics

April 3, 2015 |

Susan White, North Carolina Sea Grant executive director, explains why she's looking forward to North Carolina's Coastal Conference, #NCCoastConf, on April 14. And she invites you to join her there....

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Fellowship Opportunity Times Four

December 22, 2014 | Sandra Harris

By SANDRA HARRIS Posted December 22, 2014 If you are a North Carolina-based graduate student, check out four state and national fellowships available through North Carolina Sea Grant. Don’t let these opportunities pass you by....

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#NCSGDay2014 Result: Research Proposals

November 14, 2014 | John Fear

Building on the momentum from #NCSGDay2014, Sea Grant sponsored a request for proposals for research projects based around four categories identified at the event. John Fear gives an update on the process so far. ...

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