Sustaining Iconic Fish
“I wanted to be a marine biologist, basically from the moment I watched a National Geographic video featuring Dr. Eugenie Clark. She was my hero growing up,” says Matt Damiano, an alumnus from North Carolina State University’s Department of Applied Ecology....
Mapping North Carolina’s Vulnerable Estuarine Shorelines
An accurate and up-to-date shoreline classification map of the NRE is critical to understanding the context and magnitude of storm-induced erosion and would enable coastal communities to better understand erosion risks associated with different shoreline environments....Continue reading "Mapping North Carolina’s Vulnerable Estuarine Shorelines"
Sea Grant/Space Grant Fellow Wins Lightning Talk Award
Shannon Ricci, the 2020-21 North Carolina Sea Grant/North Carolina Space Grant research fellow, recently won second place for her student lightning talk "Assessment of Visitation Trends at North Carolina Artificial Reefs Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery" at the 2021 University Consortium Geographic Information Science Symposium....Continue reading "Sea Grant/Space Grant Fellow Wins Lightning Talk Award"
NC Knauss Fellow Jessie Straub: A FORCE for Good
FORCE Knauss fellows work on coastal resilience in different capacities through their agencies’ host offices....Continue reading "NC Knauss Fellow Jessie Straub: A FORCE for Good"
Crabitat: Juvenile Blue Crab Habitats in Pamlico Sound
Blue crabs, like many marine invertebrates, have what scientists refer to as a complex lifecycle, which means that they go through drastic changes in body shape and location as they age, similar in some ways to a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. ...Continue reading "Crabitat: Juvenile Blue Crab Habitats in Pamlico Sound"