Almost all anglers agree that self-reporting is important to the bluefin’s long-term sustainability, but…
Research Need
Angler self-reporting is a potentially efficient way to collect information about catches and dead discards in local fisheries. This, however, requires participation, which is not always straightforward. Both voluntary and mandatory self-reporting programs struggle with angler participation, and the reasons for this are not explicitly clear.
The recreational bluefin tuna fishery is popular along the East Coast from Maine to North Carolina. Social media posts are flooded with anglers proudly showcasing their catch of this species. Anglers are required to self-report their catch in this iconic fishery, but should we take it for granted that they always do?
What did they study?
Researchers examined the reasons for non-compliance among Massachusetts anglers in the bluefin tuna fishery, where self-reporting is mandatory.
Massachusetts anglers with a Highly Migratory Species (HMS) permit received a survey about past reporting compliance, opinions on self-reporting and fisheries management in general, and potential strategies to increase reporting compliance. The team then compared survey results between the anglers who had reported bluefin tuna and those that had not.
What did they find?
Based on the results, the team found that Massachusetts anglers reported about 42% of bluefin tuna catch. Greater than three-quarters (81.3%) of survey participants were non-reporters. Of the non-reporting anglers, 58.1% answered that they had caught a Bluefin Tuna within the past five years.
Opinion results varied, with a significant portion of reporters disagreeing that the fishery was managed effectively. A significant portion of non-reporters indicated that they were not aware of the self-reporting requirement.
Interestingly, almost all participants agreed that self-reporting is important to the fishery’s long-term sustainability.
What else did they find?
Angler opinions about potential strategies to increase reporting compliance were mixed.
For example, 80% of participants agreed that increasing the user-friendliness of the website would be effective. Reporters and non-reporters disagreed on the effectiveness of increased non-reporter penalties; less than 20% of reporters suggested tougher penalties, and 40% of non-reporters suggested increased penalties would not be effective.
Incentive strategies were the most popular idea for increasing compliance. Reminder strategies such as emails and signs were viewed as moderately effective, and strategies that placed an extra burden on anglers were least popular.
So what?
Even though most anglers indicated that they are aware of the self-reporting requirement, compliance remains low. The survey indicates that employing strategies such as incentives and reminders may encourage anglers to self-report more frequently.
Furthermore, although this study was conducted for the bluefin tuna fishery in Massachusetts, its design and results can be applied to other fisheries with poor self-reporting rates.
Although all recreational anglers are required to hold NOAA HMS permits, North Carolina anglers are required to self-report with a different system. The compliance rate is unknown, but this research is also relevant for employing strategies to increase compliance rates across the country.
William M. Goldsmith, Andrew M. Scheld, Christopher McGuire, and Carl Lobue. 2023. Improving electronic reporting rates in the U.S. recreational fishery for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
Funding: Support for this project was provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Fisheries Innovation Fund (Grant70481).
lead photo credit: NOAA/i-Stock.
The text from Hook, Line & Science is available to reprint and republish at no cost, but only in its entirety and with this attribution: Hook, Line & Science, courtesy of Scott Baker and Sara Mirabilio, North Carolina Sea Grant.

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