Citizen Science Comes to Raleigh
The Citizen Science Association is hosting the CitSci2019 conference in Raleigh from March 13 to 17, and North Carolina Sea Grant's Scott Baker will speak on a panel about the Citizen Science Program for the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council....
March, April Star Party Events Celebrate Outer Albemarle Peninsula’s Nightscape
A Star Party March 7 in Bertie County is part of a community collaborative Nightscape project on the Outer Albemarle Peninsula....Continue reading "March, April Star Party Events Celebrate Outer Albemarle Peninsula’s Nightscape"

Young Minds Enjoy New Green Infrastructure
The benefits to teachers’ and students’ well-being and development, in addition to the reduced pollutant and flooding impacts on the ecosystem and downstream communities, can outweigh modest costs to maintain green infrastructure....Continue reading "Young Minds Enjoy New Green Infrastructure"

Seafood Stars in the Triangle
In his mid-year review of Triangle restaurants, seafood takes top marks. ...
Diving Into the National Ocean Sciences Bowl
North Carolina School of Science and Math is heading to the National Sciences Bowl after winning first place at the regional Blue Heron Bowl. They recount their journey to this point. ...Continue reading "Diving Into the National Ocean Sciences Bowl"