Scientists Publish NC Climate Report
The North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS) has released the North Carolina Climate Science Report, an independent assessment of observed and projected climate....Southport Maritime Museum Becomes NC’s First Certified Autism Center
A small museum has earned a big distinction: The North Carolina Maritime Museum at Southport is the state’s first Certified Autism Center. Public operations have been suspended at the museum to help limit the spread of COVID-19....Continue reading "Southport Maritime Museum Becomes NC’s First Certified Autism Center"
March 25 Webinar Explores Climate Change Impact on Indigenous Peoples
The Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center's Fourth National Climate Assessment Webinar Series will explore the impact of climate change on tribes and indigenous peoples. The session will be March 25 at noon....Continue reading "March 25 Webinar Explores Climate Change Impact on Indigenous Peoples"
Reconstructing the Past to Understand Impacts on Water Quality
Lise Montefiore, a WRRI and North Carolina Sea Grant joint fellow, studies decades of satellite data to see where and how industrially-owned hog facilities may be impacting water quality. ...Continue reading "Reconstructing the Past to Understand Impacts on Water Quality"

Statewide ‘Water/Ways’ Exhibit Launches in May
The North Carolina Humanities Council will launch the Smithsonian’s “Water/Ways” exhibit statewide in 2020-2021....Continue reading "Statewide ‘Water/Ways’ Exhibit Launches in May"