Fortifying Homes Against Wind and Water Damage
As homeowners prepare for coastal wind events, they should consider storm-resilient construction options that offer multiple benefits. Some homeowners in coastal North Carolina are saving money each year on wind insurance premiums — and reducing the risk of storm damage — thanks to the FORTIFIED program. See blog post and link to a memo for coastal property owners. ...Continue reading "Fortifying Homes Against Wind and Water Damage"

Dune Recovery Workshop on March 9 at Topsail Island
The towns of Surf City, Topsail Beach, and North Topsail Beach will hold a Dune Workshop on Saturday, March 9, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Surf City Welcome Center on Topsail Island. Spencer Rogers of North Carolina Sea Grant will explain "how the beach works."...Continue reading "Dune Recovery Workshop on March 9 at Topsail Island"