Opening Clams
Method 1

The easiest way to open clams is to freeze them, then hold under cold, running water for about 45 seconds.

You can then easily insert the knife. Cut inside muscles and scrape meat free from top and bottom. This method also saves the clam liquid, which is still frozen around the clam.
Method 2

In back of clam near the hinge, find a black ligament. Follow to the front, where the ligament ends in a weak spot. Insert knife at this spot.

Inside are two muscles. Run knife around the shell to sever these.

Insert knife in front of shell and scrape meat free from top and bottom.
Method 3

Scrape edge of shell on a cement block or other rough surface to break away some shell and provide an opening for the knife.

Insert knife and cut muscles. Then go in front and cut meat free.

In all three methods, the clam is ready to cook or serve on the half-shell. Before eating or serving raw shellfish, see the safety discussion.