#HurricaneStrong Comes to North Carolina
On May 10, several Hurricane Hunter aircraft flew into Raleigh-Durham International Airport for a public event raising awareness about preparedness as the 2017 hurricane season approaches....
Input Needed on New Statewide Water Quality Initiative
The North Carolina Aquatic Data Hub is seeking input from volunteers monitoring water quality and aquatic habitats to inform the creation of this statewide network....Continue reading "Input Needed on New Statewide Water Quality Initiative"

An Inside Look at the National Ocean Sciences Bowl
Co-captains of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics National Ocean Sciences Bowl team, winners of the 2017 Blue Heron Bowl, provide an inside look at their preparations for the national competition. ...Continue reading "An Inside Look at the National Ocean Sciences Bowl"

Building a Blue Economy in North Carolina
The ocean economy contributed $2.1 billion and 43,385 jobs to North Carolina’s economy in 2013, according to a new report by North Carolina Sea Grant and Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions....Continue reading "Building a Blue Economy in North Carolina"

Collaborative Research on the Outer Banks
Researchers and students from Chowan University, along with staff from the North Carolina Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve and Pine Island Audubon Center, explore marsh resilience to sea-level rise in Currituck Sound....Continue reading "Collaborative Research on the Outer Banks"