Rogers Offers Coastal Construction 101
Spencer Rogers, North Carolina Sea Grant’s coastal construction and erosion specialist, has good advice for anyone living — or considering living — on the coast: Remember, there is no such thing as a hurricane-proof building on a barrier island. Read on to find out what else Pam Smith found out at a recent N.C. Coastal Federation event in Wrightsville Beach....NC Sea Grant is a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador!
Are you ready to Be A Force of Nature? North Carolina Sea Grant is! On August 29, 2014, North Carolina Sea Grant became the latest Sea Grant program accepted to NOAA’s Weather Ready Nation Ambassadors Initiative! ...Continue reading "NC Sea Grant is a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador!"
What does hazards adaptation mean, anyway?
I hate to admit that one of the reactions I get when I hand out my business card is the raised eyebrow, and I’ve realized it’s because “hazards adaptation” isn’t out there in common public vocabulary yet. So let’s break it down: Hazards. Adaptation. ...Continue reading "What does hazards adaptation mean, anyway?"
Learn about Coastal Law, Policy with Lisa Schiavinato
Lisa Schiavinato, North Carolina Sea Grant's law, policy, and community development specialist, also is co-director for the North Carolina Coastal Resources Law, Planning, and Policy Center....Continue reading "Learn about Coastal Law, Policy with Lisa Schiavinato"
Explore NC’s Coastal Weather and Climate with Jess Whitehead
My first experience communicating about coastal hazards to the public was as a child in 1989, relaying reports from the Weather Channel over the phone to my neighborhood friends in Charleston, SC who remained home during Hurricane Hugo but lost power. ...Continue reading "Explore NC’s Coastal Weather and Climate with Jess Whitehead"