Nearly 20 Million Pack NC State Parks in 2020
Jockey's Ridge led all N.C. state parks in 2020 with 1.9 million visitors....Continue reading "Nearly 20 Million Pack NC State Parks in 2020"
Moving Beyond Data
Research suggests that no amount of data alone will easily convince anyone to leave home -- and this has important implications for "managed retreat" and risk communication....Up Your Local Shell Game: Exploring the NC Oyster Trail
"Thanks, James Hargrove and Middlesound Mariculture, for an experience that we will both not only remember, but one that we will keep alive as we continue to explore the N.C. Oyster Trail..."...Continue reading "Up Your Local Shell Game: Exploring the NC Oyster Trail"
NC Climate Education Network Announces Art Contest Winners
The NC Climate Education Network (NCCEN) hosted an art contest for students across North Carolina and received over 150 entries. The NCCEN also hopes to connect the latest climate research and information with teachers across North Carolina, including a virtual NC Climate Education Network Open House on January 26, 2021 from 3:00-4:00....Continue reading "NC Climate Education Network Announces Art Contest Winners"
NC Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores Receives Sensory Inclusive Certification
This new initiative will promote an accommodating and positive experience for all visitors, including those with sensory needs....Continue reading "NC Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores Receives Sensory Inclusive Certification"