Sea Grant Publishes a Guide to Commercial Seafood

April 7, 2021 | Lauren Pharr

Barry Nash, North Carolina Sea Grant’s seafood marketing specialist, has compiled A Primer on North Carolina Seafood, a free online resource for anyone interested in the commercial seafood industry....

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NC WRRI Seeks Coordinator for Research and Engagement

March 24, 2021 | Lauren Pharr

North Carolina’s Water Resources Research Institute is accepting applications for the coordinator of research and engagement....

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Breaking Systemic Barriers

February 24, 2021 | Lauren Pharr

When we look at the aquatic sciences and related disciplines, from marine biology to wetland ecology to coastal resilience, we see how Black scientists are persisting and breaking barriers in white-dominated fields. While these scientists conduct the work they love, they also encounter hardships in both academic and field research settings....

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Moving Beyond Data

January 21, 2021 | Dave Shaw

Research suggests that no amount of data alone will easily convince anyone to leave home -- and this has important implications for "managed retreat" and risk communication....

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Up Your Local Shell Game: Exploring the NC Oyster Trail

January 20, 2021 | Lauren Pharr

"Thanks, James Hargrove and Middlesound Mariculture, for an experience that we will both not only remember, but one that we will keep alive as we continue to explore the N.C. Oyster Trail..."...

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