Fall 2016
HURRICANE FRAN REVISITED: Lessons From a Benchmark Storm
The summer of 1996. It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years. Atlanta was prepping for the summer Olympics, DVDs were the new technology from Japan, and two new websites called eBay and Amazon were about to forever change the way we shop. But for me, it was hurricanes Bertha and Fran that made the summer of ’96 so memorable.
Read MoreMore From Fall 2016

FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: NC Sea Grant’s Resilience Efforts Meet Varied Needs

FROM SEEDS TO SHORELINE: Expanding Minds and Restoring Marshes

Scotch Bonnet: An Invasion of Naked Sea Butterflies

CURRENTS: A Cohesive Strategy: The North Carolina Watershed Stewardship Network

Sharing Water Moments

PEOPLE AND PLACES: Story Map Reveals Oyster Treasures

NATURALIST’S NOTEBOOK: The Quiet Decline of the Humble Eel

SEA SCIENCE: Sharing Perspectives on Community Adaptations: Whitehead Joins Panel for Sustained National Climate Assessment