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Carrie Clower

Jun 30, 2024

Catching up with John Mallette

Good luck catching up with John Mallette. He’s all over the map, literally.

Jun 28, 2024

Seashells of North Carolina

Seashells are icons of our North Carolina coast, offering inspiration for art and science. They provide the history of family vacations and ancient communities as well as ecosystems past and present.

Jun 26, 2024

Hook, Line & Science

How can we rebuild the stock of South Atlantic red snapper? Is that windmill in your way? Do big city toadfish stay up later than country toadfish?

Jun 26, 2024

Vital Signs: Caribbean Creep

“Fouling” species — such as sea squirts, bivalves, barnacles, and seaweeds — can create substantial communities that cover docks, piers, and boat bottoms.

Jun 26, 2024

SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD: What can ancient oyster fisheries teach us about sustainable harvesting today?

Globally, oyster populations have been declining. Oyster management strategies often rely on knowledge and data from the past two centuries — a period during which many oyster fisheries collapsed due…

Jun 26, 2024

1,000 More Miles

NOAA and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission have been working with Duke Energy on major upgrades to fish passage facilities along hydropower dams in North Carolina. These upgrades are reopening access to hundreds of miles of upstream spawning and rearing habitat for American eel, American shad, and blueback herring.

Jun 26, 2024

Conserving wildlife can help mitigate climate change

Protecting wildlife across the world could significantly enhance natural carbon capture and storage by supercharging ecosystem carbon sinks, a new study led by Yale School of the Environment Oastler Professor…

Jun 26, 2024

The Guide to Coastal Living

Bulkheads have been popular, but these structures come with a number of negatives.

Jun 26, 2024

How Would a Nuclear War Affect Our Climate and Oceans?

Many nations with nuclear weapons have embarked on plans to modernize or expand their nuclear arsenals. The presence of over 13,000 such weapons creates a risk that unstable leaders, hackers,…