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Dave Shaw

Sep 16, 2020

Hook, Line & Science

Are catch-and-release deepwater fish just an easy meal for sharks?

Sep 16, 2020

Mariner’s Menu: Fall Favorites

One of the fastest growing websites for seafood recipes provides us with savory fall delights.

Sep 16, 2020

Last Word… More Than Sand Dollars

The bright white sand dollars prized by beachcombers and coveted by craft makers were once masters of their seabottom habitat.

Sep 16, 2020

Naturalist’s Notebook: Is Climate Change Affecting Sea Turtle Hatchlings?

Research shows that warming temperatures cause loggerheads to give birth mostly to female offspring.

Sep 16, 2020

If COVID-19 and a Major Hurricane Collide

What would it mean for people living in our state’s most vulnerable communities?

Sep 15, 2020

Interviews as Catalysts of Change

In-depth conversations propel the work of a Knauss Fellow from North Carolina. 

Sep 9, 2020

Science Needs You: Monitoring and Assessing Water Quality Across the Neuse River Estuary-Pamlico Sound Continuum

For decades, researchers have been tracking the health of the second largest estuarine complex in the United States — and you can help, too.

Aug 27, 2020

COVID-19, Plastic Production, and Marine Debris

Check in with Jenna Hartley, as she reflects on her the intersections of her North Carolina Sea Grant funded research and national, global topics.

Aug 20, 2020

Innovative Research Looks at Flooding and the Latinx Community

North Carolina Sea Grant – WRRI Graduate Research Fellow Olivia Vilá tells how she had to shift approaches on the fly in order to study flooding and the Latinx community in Wilmington.

Aug 4, 2020

Jimmy Morris: Life on a ‘Finger Between Two Bays’ 

Resilience is a key trait for Jimmy Morris, founder of Morris Family Shellfish Farms and the Mill Point Hatchery in the small village of Sea Level, located in Carteret County’s Down East communities.