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Dave Shaw

Aug 20, 2020

Innovative Research Looks at Flooding and the Latinx Community

North Carolina Sea Grant – WRRI Graduate Research Fellow Olivia Vilá tells how she had to shift approaches on the fly in order to study flooding and the Latinx community in Wilmington.

Aug 4, 2020

Jimmy Morris: Life on a ‘Finger Between Two Bays’ 

Resilience is a key trait for Jimmy Morris, founder of Morris Family Shellfish Farms and the Mill Point Hatchery in the small village of Sea Level, located in Carteret County’s Down East communities.

Jul 31, 2020

Hurricane Preparation and Recovery Information

With the heart of hurricane season approaching, North Carolina Sea Grant shares the following links to resources and information about disaster recovery and resilience.

Jul 23, 2020

Spat-On-Shell Demonstration Project Will Benefit Oyster Harvests and Coastal Ecosystems

North Carolina Sea Grant, the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries and industry collaborators have joined forces on a new project to produce and deploy “spat-on-shell” to restore wild oyster populations for future harvest.

Jul 23, 2020

Pathways to Marine Policy

Meet nine Knauss finalists whose past experiences with NOAA set them on a path to marine policy, including two of the four graduate students from North Carolina who are finalists this year.

Jul 22, 2020

New Study Reveals Antibiotics in Rural Streams and Drinking Water Wells

Antibiotics consumed by humans and animals can end up in the environment through a number of different pathways, including wastewater treatment facility effluent, septic leaching, and runoff.

Jul 21, 2020

Celebrating Latino Conservation Week: Spotlight on Melinda Martinez

We celebrate Latino Conservation Week with Melinda Martinez, recipient of last year's North Carolina Sea Grant — North Carolina Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship.

Jul 20, 2020

Celebrating Latino Conservation Week: Spotlight on Frank López

Communities throughout the country are enjoying and connecting with the great outdoors during the 7th annual Latino Conservation Week, July 18 through July 26, which includes nearly 100 events nationwide. We celebrate the occasion here with Frank Lopez, extension director for North Carolina Sea Grant and the NC Water Resources Research Institute.

Jun 30, 2020

Don’t Wait for Shark Week to Use Your Shark Sense

There’s no reason to wait until the Discovery Channel's annual “Shark Week” this August to dive into shark DOs and DON’Ts.

Jun 25, 2020

You Can’t Plan for a Change of Plans

Knauss fellow Cheyenne Stienbarger hasn't looked back since a two-week marine biology field course in the Florida Keys, when she says she found a field that really spoke to her.