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Dave Shaw

Oct 27, 2014

North Carolina’s Stake in Shaping Energy Policy

What will fuel the global demand for energy in the future: oil, gas, coal, nuclear, biomass, solar, wind? Pam Smith goes looking for the answer at a Coastal Energy Summit in Wilmington.

Oct 21, 2014


Sara Mirabilio wants more frankenfish in North Carolina — but it's not what you think!

Oct 13, 2014

Rogers Offers Coastal Construction 101

Spencer Rogers, North Carolina Sea Grant’s coastal construction and erosion specialist, has good advice for anyone living — or considering living — on the coast: Remember, there is no such thing as a hurricane-proof building on a barrier island. Read on to find out what else Pam Smith found out at a recent N.C. Coastal Federation event in Wrightsville Beach.

Sep 26, 2014

Major Legislative Updates from 2013-2014 Session, Part II

This is a guide to direct researchers, scientists, lawyers, and other professionals interested in coastal law and policy issues. The guide separates legislative materials into two categories: (1) Session Laws and (2) new and amended legislation enacted as a part of the 2014 State Budget. Part II summarizes provisions from the 2014 State Budget that have general application to environmental law and policy in North Carolina. While these provisions have application to the coastal region, they also have wider applicability. Please see also Part I, which summarizes the Session Laws and provisions from the State Budget that relate more specifically to coastal law and policy.

Sep 23, 2014

NC Sea Grant is a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador!

Are you ready to Be A Force of Nature? North Carolina Sea Grant is! On August 29, 2014, North Carolina Sea Grant became the latest Sea Grant program accepted to NOAA’s Weather Ready Nation Ambassadors Initiative!

Sep 12, 2014

Major Legislative Updates for the 2013-2014 Session, Part I

This is a guide to direct researchers, scientists, lawyers, and other professionals interested in coastal law and policy issues. The guide separates legislative materials into two categories: (1) Session Laws and (2) new and amended legislation enacted as a part of the 2014 State Budget. Part I summarizes the Session Laws and provisions from the State Budget that relate more specifically to coastal law and policy. Part II will summarize provisions that have wider environmental law and policy application.

Sep 5, 2014

Hop on Board: The Hydrilla Guerillas are Here

By GLORIA PUTNAM Posted Sept. 5, 2014 I am constantly amazed by what can happen with even a small group of people when lines of communication are open. Just six…

Aug 28, 2014

SciREN’s Broader Impacts are Loud and Clear

North Carolina Sea Grant has a strong tradition of teaching the teachers about all things marine science – thus multiplying the impacts as each teacher reaches more students. Katie Mosher highlights upcoming events that bring educators together with marine researchers.

Aug 26, 2014

What does hazards adaptation mean, anyway?

I hate to admit that one of the reactions I get when I hand out my business card is the raised eyebrow, and I’ve realized it’s because “hazards adaptation” isn’t out there in common public vocabulary yet. So let’s break it down: Hazards. Adaptation.

Aug 25, 2014

Focus on Fisheries with Scott Baker

Who is Scott Baker? Find out what he does and what he hopes to blog about.