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Sandra Harris

Long Beach before/after Sandy

Mar 1, 2016

CURRENTS: Data Surge: Better Storm Records Will Improve Predictions

North Carolina Sea Grant is pleased to continue to be a partner in national efforts to improve storm-surge data gathering and understanding. Those efforts are advancing thanks to the increased attention from the U.S. Geological Survey, or USGS, to storm surge in and following Superstorm Sandy in 2012.

green tree frog

Mar 1, 2016

LEAPING OUT OF THE LAB: Green Tree Frogs Show Adaptation, Offer Inspiration

Before the talk, the students at Pamlico Middle School in Bayboro had trekked through the murky creek behind their school, digging through the muck to pull out alien critters and chasing tadpoles with nets. Some likely were questioning, perhaps for the first time, whether a career in science could be a possibility.

People in a marsh collect samples.

Mar 1, 2016

CONSIDERING COASTAL QUESTIONS: Sea Grant Research Tackles Important Issues

Researchers starting new two-year North Carolina Sea Grant projects are tackling topics across a wide spectrum: algal blooms, storm surge, environmental education, southern flounder stocks, coastal communities, public health, and aquaculture for finfish and shellfish.

image: Susan White.

Mar 1, 2016

FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Educate, Edify, Entertain: Connecting with Audiences

Communicating clearly is an important skill — and a critical one that contributes to the success and longevity of a program such as Sea Grant. It is a skill that takes time and experience to develop. These days, we are constantly adapting this skill to new platforms to continue to reach current and expanding audiences.

Hydrilla map

Mar 1, 2016


Hydrilla awareness also has increased in recent years, as have efforts to control and manage it. Last year, partners from state and local agencies met to discuss the plant in areas around the Albemarle Sound. Some members formed a Technical Advisory Group to develop science-based recommendations to address Hydrilla management in the watershed.

Marine algae in a reef

Feb 17, 2016

ALGAE PATROL: Documenting a Changing Community

When Wilson Freshwater began finding new tropical seaweeds off the coast of North Carolina, he had questions. What is their abundance? What might accompany them? What else does this mean for North Carolina’s coastal waters?

Feb 15, 2016

Moving Through the Marsh

Cold outside? Pretend it's summer and journey through a coastal salt marsh. Learn about this habitat now and be that much more knowledgeable when the warmer weather rolls around.


Dec 15, 2015

LOCAL CATCH: Trapping and Tasting an Invader

They collaborated on a pilot study to test traps to capture lionfish and conduct a consumer taste testing for the fish. The traps were designed to maximize capture of the invasive species, not of other marine animals in the area.

Organobait bait alternative

Dec 15, 2015


Since receiving support from North Carolina Sea Grant for a pilot study to test Organobait™, KBI has leveraged $168,750 in grants from the National Science Foundation and matching grants from the N.C. Department of Commerce’s One North Carolina Fund.

Lundie Spence with jellyfish

Dec 15, 2015

Jellyfish in Bloom: Are Humans Contributing to Local Populations?

Nina Sassano used to be a research technician at the Barnegat Bay Partnership in New Jersey. Her tasks included monitoring barrier nets designed to keep jellyfish out of certain parts of the bay.