LITERARY TRAILS: Lost and Found in the Northeastern Corridor

In Literary Trails of Eastern North Carolina: A Guidebook, Georgann Eubanks offers readers 18 tours that take them to the places that have inspired novelists, playwrights, poets and journalists to write about eastern North Carolina. The last in a three-book series commissioned by the North Carolina Arts Council and published by the University of North Carolina Press, the guidebook maps the literary landscape using excerpts and descriptions from regionally and internationally famous authors. Poems and prose included in the book, as well as the authors it introduces, add a literary dimension to places — tiny hamlets, dark swamps, bustling cities and wild islands — readers might visit. The following excerpt could spark such a journey. — Rhett Register
To read the excerpt, contact us for a copy of the Holiday 2013 issue of Coastwatch.
Or visit the University of North Carolina Press to purchase a copy of the book.
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