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Winter 2022

Winter 2022 FAQs

blue stormy ocean waves with white foam

Frequently Asked Questions About the Winter 2022 Issue

Why isn’t this issue in my mailbox?

We’re taking the opportunity this issue to focus on building our online audience, reaching new readers, and presenting material in new forms. This issue features more video and audio content than ever before.

Will there ever be another print issue of Coastwatch?
YES. Coastwatch will return in print (and online again) in March with the Spring 2023 issue.

Will print subscribers still get the same number of issues in the mail?
YES. All Coastwatch subscribers will receive the same number of issues they originally signed up for.

image: WINTER 2022 cover

Are there any videos of sharks in the Winter 2022 issue?


What if I love the “all-digital” issue (or hate it)?
The editor would like your feedback either way. Email Dave Shaw at