Jimmy Morris: Life on a ‘Finger Between Two Bays’ 

August 4, 2020 | Katie Mosher

Resilience is a key trait for Jimmy Morris, founder of Morris Family Shellfish Farms and the Mill Point Hatchery in the small village of Sea Level, located in Carteret County’s Down East communities....

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Spat-On-Shell Demonstration Project Will Benefit Oyster Harvests and Coastal Ecosystems

July 23, 2020 | Katie Mosher

North Carolina Sea Grant, the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries and industry collaborators have joined forces on a new project to produce and deploy “spat-on-shell” to restore wild oyster populations for future harvest....

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Promoting Green Infrastructure Through Schools

May 6, 2020 | Katelyn Vause

A WRR I– North Carolina Sea Grant-supported student investigates perceptions of green infrastructure at schools. ...

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Reconstructing the Past to Understand Impacts on Water Quality

March 3, 2020 | Chloe Tenn

Lise Montefiore, a WRRI and North Carolina Sea Grant joint fellow, studies decades of satellite data to see where and how industrially-owned hog facilities may be impacting water quality. ...

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Statewide ‘Water/Ways’ Exhibit Launches in May

February 25, 2020 | Katelyn Vause

The North Carolina Humanities Council will launch the Smithsonian’s “Water/Ways” exhibit statewide in 2020-2021....

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