Ocracoke Brogue for Dingbatters
Here’s a brief guide to vocab, grammar and pronunciation characteristic of the dialect you might hear on Ocracoke Island....Hurricane Hindsight: Researchers Work to Improve Coastal Flooding Predictions
As a new Atlantic or Gulf hurricane forms offshore, there’s typically speculation about its eventual landfall location and strength, and how the storm will affect surge and coastal flooding....Continue reading "Hurricane Hindsight: Researchers Work to Improve Coastal Flooding Predictions"
The Future of Shrimping: What’s New in Conservation Gear
Next week, the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission will discuss the results of a three-year, collaborative research effort to develop technical solutions to reduce bycatch in North Carolina’s shrimp trawl fishery....Continue reading "The Future of Shrimping: What’s New in Conservation Gear"
Diving Into the National Ocean Sciences Bowl
North Carolina School of Science and Math is heading to the National Sciences Bowl after winning first place at the regional Blue Heron Bowl. They recount their journey to this point. ...Continue reading "Diving Into the National Ocean Sciences Bowl"