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Jun 15, 2023

Crab and Shrimp Salad

Mariner's Menu shares Crab and Shrimp Salad.

Sep 23, 2021

Fresh Crab Salad with Almonds

Mariner's Menu shares Fresh Crab Salad with Almonds.

Jun 19, 2017

Shrimp Salad

Mariner’s Menu shares a recipe for Shrimp Salad. When shopping for shrimp, look for those that are firm and not slippery. Beware of shrimp that are bright pink or red. They have a "cooked" appearance due to not being properly iced.

Mar 6, 2017

Squid Salad

The squid is a mollusk, a phylum of creatures which includes the clam, whelk and conch. Unlike its cousins, the squid has no visible shell. But embedded in the mantle is a soft internal plate called a pen, the remains of a once more developed shell.

Jan 10, 2017

Fresh Smoked Bluefish Salad with Almonds

Mariner's Menu shares Fresh Smoked Bluefish Salad with Almonds.

Sep 6, 2016

Chopped Shrimp Salad

Remember to handle seafood gently. Be careful not to overcook it. And always modify recipes so that they suit your preferences. Mariner's Menu shares a recipe for Shrimp Salad.

Jun 8, 2015

Crab Salad Deluxe

You'll be surprised how simply seafood salads come together. If you don't believe it, try one of our recipes such as Crab Salad Deluxe. Or create your own. Mariner's Menu shares a recipe for Crab Salad Deluxe.

Feb 16, 2015

Fish Flakes and Macaroni Salad

Mariner's Menu shares Fish Flakes and Macaroni Salad.

Jun 4, 2013

Crab Salad

Recipe Combine celery, pickle, onion, mayonnaise, lemon juice and pepper in medium bowl. Mix well. Gently blend in crabmeat and eggs, being careful not to break pieces apart. Chill thoroughly.…