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North Carolina’s Amazing Coast Launched



A group of Manteo High School science teachers couldn’t help themselves. They immediately started quizzing each other about coastal species featured in North Carolina Sea Grant’s latest book.

“This is amazing,” Pat Holland says, drawing smiles of agreement from others celebrating the launch of North Carolina’s Amazing Coast: Natural Wonders from Alligators to Zoeas.

Many who came to the program at Duck’s Cottage Downtown Books in Manteo were purchasing gifts for friends and relatives. But Lisa Serfling had a special place for her copy: “In my classroom.”

Coauthors Terri Kirby Hathaway and Kathleen Angione participated in the event. They hope their Georgia Sea Grant co-creators — writers David Bryant and George Davidson, along with illustrator Charlotte Ingram — will join them for an event later this summer or fall.

Manteo High School science teachers Joanne Miller, Lisa Serfling and Pat Holland show off their new books with Kathleen Angione and Terri Kirby Hathaway.
Manteo High School science teachers Joanne Miller, Lisa Serfling and Pat Holland show off their new books with Kathleen Angione and Terri Kirby Hathaway. Photo by Katie Mosher.

“We are thrilled to introduce readers to incredible animals, plants and ecosystems,” notes Hathaway, who also will be working with teachers to develop lesson plans based on the species in the book.

The book is drawing interest from educators and booksellers alike.

“We really anticipate this book to be one of the hottest sellers this summer,” notes Jamie Layton, co-owner of bookstores in Manteo and Duck.

Jill Gambill, Georgia Sea Grant communications director, describes the book as the product of ongoing network partnerships. “It is a great example of regional collaboration, where a state Sea Grant project has been adapted to reach a broader audience.

Some species and illustrations featured in the book already have been highlighted in Coastwatch stories written for elementary-age readers. “Molly by the Sea” was in the Spring 2012 issue, while “North Carolina’s Coastal Treasures” appeared in Autumn 2012.

University of Georgia Press officials say the book will be widely distributed to stores at the North Carolina coast, and around the state and region. Educators in North Carolina can contact North Carolina Sea Grant regarding classroom sets and other bulk orders. Call 919/515-9101.

For ordering links, book-related program dates and other information, go online to

Meet the Creators

• Terri Kirby Hathaway is the marine education specialist for North Carolina Sea Grant. She is an ardent beachcomber, collecting and sharing sand and “beachy” things with friends and educators around the world. A popular speaker at national conferences, she writes the Scotch Bonnet newsletter and regularly contributes to Coastwatch.

• Kathleen Angione is a mother, writer, runner and seafood lover. Formerly, she served as Coastwatch senior editor while a member of the North Carolina Sea Grant communications team. Today her days at the beach involve chasing after her two young children and rediscovering the wonder of North Carolina’s coast through their eyes.

• David Bryant is assistant director for Georgia Sea Grant and formerly was the program’s communications leader. A faculty member at the University of Georgia, his early career included radio news and features.

• George Davidson is a former writer and editor for Georgia Sea Grant. He is an artist and musician performing in Athens, Ga.

• Charlotte Ingram is a former graphic artist and Web designer for Georgia Sea Grant. North Carolina educators know her work from Aquatic Invaders, a national partnership among the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the Sea Grant network.

This article was published in the Summer 2013 issue of Coastwatch.

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