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Sandra Harris

crab salad

Jun 1, 2016

MARINER’S MENU: All Flavor, No Sweat

As summer heats up, you probably plan to spend as little time as possible in a hot kitchen — instead enjoying as many hours as you can on the beach.…

Jun 1, 2016

COASTAL COLLABORATIONS: Researchers Reach Into Communities

Four community-based collaborations are growing, thanks to a new partnership between North Carolina Sea Grant and the William R. Kenan Jr. Institute for Engineering, Technology and Science at NC State University.

White and green flowers

Jun 1, 2016

AMAZING COAST: Flora of the Coastal Plain

Visitors to North Carolina’s coast snap photos of blue herons or white ibises as they stand in grassy marsh pond shallows. Families join nighttime vigils to watch loggerhead sea turtles hatch in the soft dunes and toddle across the sand to the ocean. Others take daytime cruises along inlets to look for the swell of a dolphin fin.

Tyrrell County

Jun 1, 2016

CURRENTS: Ride the Currents

   Get a taste for the latest happenings with North Carolina Sea Grant staff, researchers and partners from our blog, Coastwatch Currents. If you visited in between issues of…

sea turtle

Jun 1, 2016

How Sea Turtles Respond to Interactions with Fishermen

When hooked or tangled in fishing gear, sea turtles struggle to free themselves and make it to the surface to breathe. In the absence of oxygen, lactate, a form of lactic acid, builds up in their muscles, a similar process in humans that we equate with “feeling the burn.”

image: Flooding Aftermath in New York.

Jun 1, 2016


The one constant in life is change. While people often view change with trepidation, it also brings great opportunity.

image: a group of people tour a stormwater facility with an official.

May 1, 2016

SEA SCIENCE: WATER EVERYWHERE: Charting the Message on Water Resilience

Every time you get water out of a drinking fountain or faucet, you are encountering a small miracle. For most Americans, drinking water is safe and readily accessible with the turn of a faucet handle. People in Flint, Michigan, have learned brutal lessons about what happens when the water system breaks down. More than a billion people around the globe don't have access to clean and safe drinking water.

state's fishing industry

Mar 1, 2016


To get an idea of how people in the North Carolina seafood industry were marketing their products, this select group chose to join an optional field trip of North Carolina’s coast, held after the Local Seafood Summit in Norfolk, Virginia. The summit was hosted by, an organization that focuses on sustainable seafood through direct marketing.

bluestem flowers

Mar 1, 2016


Two projects that benefitted early from North Carolina Sea Grant funding continue to draw attention. The crystal skipper butterfly and the microentrepreneurs of People-First Tourism, Inc., await you at the coast this year.

Allison Leidner

Mar 1, 2016

Crystal Skipper Earns Species Status

After years of research and debate, it’s official, or at least as official as these things can be: The world has a new species of butterfly. Its only certain and seemingly permanent home anywhere in the world is a 30-mile stretch of sand dunes — as the butterfly flies — from Radio Island near Beaufort in Carteret County, down Bogue Banks in Carteret to Bear Island in Hammocks Beach State Park in Onslow County.