Rebecca Nagy
![northern Gulf of Mexico](
Science Serving the Coast: Specter of Oil Spurs Research Response
Rebuilding the Economy, One Oyster at a Time
![bucket of cape sharks](
Listening to the Sea
![Boats docked near IMS and Duke Marine Lab.](
For-Hire Fishing: Rich in Coastal History; Enriching Coastal Economies
![broiled hybrid striped bass](
Juggling Hybrids and Homes: Balancing Fish Farming and Local Development
Crowding Out Shellfish
Going With the Flow: Aquaculture’s Water Quality Woes
![Drag Seine Fishing on a North Carolina Shoal](
Hatteras’ Changing Waterfront: Fishing Traditions, Boat Slips Dwindling
![Image: Currituck Banks Reserve](
Carotank…Currituck: Land of the Wild Goose