Fall 2023
Hot Take: Some Forests Need Fire
In June, a wildfire spread across the Green Swamp Preserve in Brunswick County, temporarily closing the park to visitors. The North Carolina Forest Service led efforts to contain the “Pulp Road Fire,” rather than hauling heavy firefighting equipment through the preserve, which might have caused more damage than the fire itself.
Read MoreMore From Fall 2023

Letter from the Executive Director

Environmental Justice and Disaster Recovery: Pioneering Research in a Burgeoning Field

The Untapped Resource: How Students Can Help Build Community Resiliency

Sands of Time

Vital Signs: Sea Level Rise Rapidly Accelerates Along the Southeast and Gulf Coasts

Danger in the Water: “Forever Chemicals” Have Contaminated Fish in the Cape Fear River

Shrinking Habitats: How Have Oyster Reefs Changed Over the Last Six Decades?

Hook, Line & Science

North Carolina’s Year Round Residents

Sustainable Solutions: Who’s Afraid of New Seafood?

Behind the Researcher: Matt Damiano, Warming Waters, and Sustaining Iconic Fish