Conduct Water Protection and Restoration with Barbara Doll

Hi, my name is Barbara Doll. I’m a water protection and restoration specialist with North Carolina Sea Grant and an assistant extension professor in the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at NC State University. I conduct research, teaching and extension programs in ecological restoration, water quality protection and sustainable coastal development.
I am a founding member and current co-chair of the NCSU Stream Restoration Program, or SRP. The SRP is a team of faculty, staff and students working together to improve water quality and aquatic ecology through research, demonstration projects and education.
I plan to blog about topics that are important to me, such as the upcoming EcoStream, Southeast Regional Stream Restoration Conference, that is scheduled for Nov. 17-20, 2014, at the Sheraton Hotel in Charlotte, N.C. Look to my posts for more information about the conference, including invited speakers, session topics, tours and workshops that will be included in the program, as well as follow-up items after the event.
Also, I plan to discuss the findings on my work on the on assessment of stream restoration projects.
You can find me at or 919-515-5827.
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