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Holiday 2003

Table of Contents

Ballast Water Battles

North Carolina and Washington Sea Grant researchers join forces to curb unwanted introductions of ballast water organisms. Could ozone technology be one method to halt microscopic stowaways? Guest writers explore the issue and the science.

Looking Back at Lukens

Julie Powers takes readers along on a poignant reunion at a long-gone coastal town. She finds that their memories keep the spirit of Lukens on a map carved deep in their hearts.

Kicking up Facts for Hard Clam Management

Could rotating hard clam kicking practices in Core Sound help revitalize the important fishery? Cynthia Henderson talks with Eileen Vandenburgh about a Fishery Resource Grant study of the effects of mechanical clam harvesting.

Take a Glimpse into Sound Country Holiday Traditions

Hurricane Isabel is not about to put a damper on holiday festivities in Sound County. Travel with Ann Green to a River Town Christmas on the Scuppernong and catch the holiday spirit.

Picture Your Holiday with a Book

Lilly Loughner takes the wraps off perfect gift-giving ideas for young and old alike. Books filled with marvelous photos and illustrations delight readers — and teach about coastal treasures.

Researchers Survey Bird Island Flora

Bird Island, managed by the N.C. Coastal Reserve Program, is more than sand and surf. Researchers from North Carolina State University are conducting an inventory of a surprising array of vegetation. Join Ann Green as she discovers the sea rocket and seabeach amaranth.