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Autumn 2009

Table of Contents

Their Eyes Were Watching Floyd

Ten years ago, North Carolinians had a wary eye on Hurricane Floyd. Follow the lead-up and aftermath in southeast counties.

Floyd Left Its Mark on Oak Island

High winds from Floyd walloped coastal communities like Oak Island. Hear what residents remember and how they recovered.

Communicating Hurricanes:
Accurate Information, Timely Delivery

Sea Grant researchers examine how emergency communications flow through formal and informal networks.

Floyd’s Devastation Invokes Changes for Pets

Hurricane Floyd separated hundreds of animals from their owners. Now regulations keep people and pets together during coastal storms.

Reflecting on the Flood: One Family’s Story

Reader Christy Maready describes how flooding from the hurricane destroyed her relatives’ farm and split up her family for days.

After the Flood: Rebuilding and Retreating

Floyd’s floodwaters wiped out entire communities in Princeville, Kinston and Greenville. Read about recovery and rebuilding efforts.

Storm-Tested Beaches

Storm surge from Hurricanes Floyd and Dennis put dune and beach nourishment projects to the test. Learn how they fared.

CI-FLOW: Partnerships Enhance Flood Forecasting

Read about a revolutionary flood-forecasting project set in the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico river basins.

Floyd’s Effect on Fisheries

Blue crabs, oysters, bay scallops — and fishermen — were among those affected by Floyd’s flooding.

From NC To DC: NOAA Official Remembers Floyd

Laura Furgione recalls her experience as the warning coordination meteorologist in Morehead City/Newport during Hurricane Floyd.

Emergency Managers Prepare for the Worst; Hope for the Best

Bonus feature article not included in the print version of Coastwatch.