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Search Results for oysters

Apr 29, 2016

Aquaculture: Science Working for the Economy

We revisit Carolina Mariculture, which was featured in a story by Pam Smith that ran in Coastwatch magazine’s Holiday 2012 issue. This updated excerpt highlights how research partnerships continue to boost North Carolina’s oyster industry.

Apr 21, 2016

The World is Your Oyster

Emerging careers in North Carolina's aquaculture and seafood industries were the highlight of a recent Sea Grant event at Mattamuskeet Early College High School.

People in a marsh collect samples.

Mar 1, 2016

CONSIDERING COASTAL QUESTIONS: Sea Grant Research Tackles Important Issues

Researchers starting new two-year North Carolina Sea Grant projects are tackling topics across a wide spectrum: algal blooms, storm surge, environmental education, southern flounder stocks, coastal communities, public health, and aquaculture for finfish and shellfish.

Feb 15, 2016

Moving Through the Marsh

Cold outside? Pretend it's summer and journey through a coastal salt marsh. Learn about this habitat now and be that much more knowledgeable when the warmer weather rolls around.

Feb 10, 2016

Clear Waters Ahead for Oyster Restoration

By KATHLEEN ONOREVOLE Posted Feb. 10, 2016 Kathleen Onorevole is a master’s student in Michael Piehler’s lab at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Institute of Marine Sciences in Morehead…

Feb 5, 2016

North Carolina Sea Grant Sponsors Upcoming Shellfish Aquaculture Workshop

By CHUCK WEIRICH Posted Feb. 5, 2016 North Carolina has great potential for shellfish aquaculture — and the more involved, the better for the industry. If you are a potential or…

Dec 8, 2015

Oyster Filter Factor: Phytoplankton and Water Quality

By BRADY BLACKBURN Posted Dec. 8, 2015 Brady Blackburn is in his junior year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is majoring in environmental studies and…

Dec 1, 2015


Lugging a jackhammer across an oyster reef is like carrying someone over an uneven bed of nails. I have the scars to prove it. Yet, if you need to get a core sample from an oyster reef, there is no better tool.

Underwater oyster reef.

Dec 1, 2015


Experienced boaters occasionally spot them in time, but even the most weathered watermen have trouble steering clear of derelict crab pots that litter waterways along North Carolina’s coast.

Dec 1, 2015


North Carolina has a growing aquaculture and mariculture industry. Local farms produce many species that appear on our dinner tables — trout, catfish, hybrid striped bass, freshwater prawns, crawfish and shellfish.