Welcome to Coastwatch, North Carolina Sea Grant’s flagship print and digital publication. For over four decades, this award-winning magazine has brought the latest science and news to readers who love our coast.
Our articles and photography offer new insights and perspectives on coastal communities, our emerging blue economy, climate impacts, plant and animal life, and much more. Coastwatch‘s audience spans North Carolina, the nation, and the globe.
As our state continues to grow and diversify, our relevance increasingly relies on how well our editorial vision embodies equality and accessibility for people of all backgrounds and abilities. In addition, we don’t publish advertisements for products or services. Science, expertise, and local community knowledge are our editorial guides.
The best way to enjoy Coastwatch is in print. You can discover why the NC Association of Government Information Officers awarded Coastwatch first prize for print publications when you subscribe here.
For no charge, you also can read Coastwatch online by subject and by issue. And you can always find the current issue here.
The Coastwatch masthead includes short bios and information about our editorial team. Contact us with questions, requests, and story ideas.