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Autumn 2012

Table of Contents

The Multitalented Oyster

Most people understand the value of the oyster on a plate — it’s good to eat. But there’s also value in oyster reefs. Join Sharon Settlage as she examines the long-term ecosystem benefits of oyster reef restoration.

Storm Practices: Lessons Learned from Hurricane Irene

State and county emergency managers, along with weather forecasters, found plenty of communication lessons from Hurricane Irene. Michelle Covi takes readers to their discussions.

Counting Fish: Testing Shipboard Video Monitoring

Sea Grant fisheries specialists tested electronic video monitoring in the snapper grouper fishery. E-Ching Lee discovers what they found and how that might help data gathering in the South Atlantic region.

People-First Tourism: Connecting with Nature’s Bounty

North Carolina Sea Grant is supporting a project to help Inner Banks entrepreneurs attract visitors to play — and stay. Pam Smith talks to the researchers and business owners involved.

North Carolina’s Coastal Treasures

Explore the coastal side of the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences and its Nature Research Center with Anthony and his classmates. Chelsea Pierce offers a short story for kids of all ages.

Awarding North Carolina Innovation

The Jones Award is a prestigious national honor. Read about six North Carolina graduate students and the Town of Plymouth that are recognized for helping the nation maintain its coastal resources.

Fish Ashore

Anytime is a good time for seafood. Mariner’s Menu recipes offer options for a seasonal feast harvested from the sea — crab, oysters and tuna.