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Winter 2012

Table of Contents

Ship Ashore!
Risk and the Historic U.S. Life-Saving Service

Before the U.S. Coast Guard, there was the U.S. Life-Saving Service. Jerry Allegood relates the work of Joshua Marano, a graduate student at East Carolina University, with a fellowship from North Carolina Sea Grant to study archives for accounts of shipwrecks and the surfmen who manned stations and rescued sailors.

Where to Next?
Uncovering Property Owners’ Perceptions

A research team, led by Pat Long and Huili Hao, conducts a revealing survey of property owners in three coastal counties. E-Ching Lee relates how this study benefits county dwellers and planners as it uncovers the needs, desires and perceptions of residents toward tourism and environmental issues.

Rainwater Harvesting:
Recycling a Precious Resource

Pam Smith explains how rainwater harvesting, from rain barrels in backyard gardens to 1,000-gallon cisterns serving communities, is adding up to big savings in drinking water. She provides harvesting tips and resources shared during a rainwater harvesting workshop.

Hooks in the Gulf Stream: Captains and Scientists Reel in Data

Funded by an N.C. Fishery Resource Grant, a team from North Carolina State University compared fishing hooks to consider which type yields greater catch rates on charter fishing boats. Art Latham reports the details of the study where sea captains are among the researchers reeling in data.

Shells, Ships and Fish: North Carolina Coastal Emblems in Your Hand

Tina Clark takes readers shelling, fishing and sailing as she describes Scotch bonnets, red drum and shad boats. All three are official state symbols that are emblems of our coast.


We share this poem written by intern Tina Clark.