Hurricane Preparation and Recovery Information
With the heart of hurricane season approaching, North Carolina Sea Grant shares the following links to resources and information about disaster recovery and resilience....Continue reading "Hurricane Preparation and Recovery Information"
Spat-On-Shell Demonstration Project Will Benefit Oyster Harvests and Coastal Ecosystems
North Carolina Sea Grant, the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries and industry collaborators have joined forces on a new project to produce and deploy “spat-on-shell” to restore wild oyster populations for future harvest....
Pathways to Marine Policy
Meet nine Knauss finalists whose past experiences with NOAA set them on a path to marine policy, including two of the four graduate students from North Carolina who are finalists this year....New Study Reveals Antibiotics in Rural Streams and Drinking Water Wells
Antibiotics consumed by humans and animals can end up in the environment through a number of different pathways, including wastewater treatment facility effluent, septic leaching, and runoff....Continue reading "New Study Reveals Antibiotics in Rural Streams and Drinking Water Wells"
Celebrating Latino Conservation Week: Spotlight on Melinda Martinez
We celebrate Latino Conservation Week with Melinda Martinez, recipient of last year's North Carolina Sea Grant — North Carolina Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship....Continue reading "Celebrating Latino Conservation Week: Spotlight on Melinda Martinez"