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Search Results for oysters

Sep 13, 2022

Mariner’s Menu: Oysters Casino, Snapper Fillets, Stuffed Clams, and More

Mariner’s Menu, North Carolina Sea Grant’s popular online seafood guide, features blogger and photographer Vanda Lewis’s pictures with hundreds of recipes that Joyce Taylor developed.

Sep 12, 2022

Whats So Special About NC Oysters? Savoring the NC Oyster Trail

Oysters once were as popular as the fast-food burger is today. Since the late-1880’s, people have collected, consumed, and enjoyed oysters up and down the East Coast.

NC Division of Marine Fisheries oystersancturary-1488

Jun 16, 2020

Naturalists Notebook: In Search of Ancient Oysters

Restored oyster reefs provide healthy habitats and great places for fishing. Ongoing threats to oysters, such as disease and harvesting, mean that unless we make deliberate efforts to restore them, we are in danger of losing the benefits that oyster reefs provide.

Dec 11, 2017

MARINER’S MENU: Falling for Oysters

Whether on the West or East coast, or anywhere in between, these oyster recipes from Mariner’s Menu: 30 Years of Fresh Seafood Ideas are sure to impress even the least adventurous holiday guest with their fresh simplicity.

Gregory Sorg builds substrate

Jun 1, 2017

SEA SCIENCE: Restoring Our Oysters: Dealing with the Sponge Problem

Niels Lindquist, an ecologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Institute of Marine Sciences, noticed that many of the oysters served at roasts were difficult to open because of brittle shells. The oysters had small holes in their shells, a telltale sign of an infestation by the boring sponge, a common estuarine organism in the family Clionaidae.

Apr 3, 2017


One of my main goals as North Carolina Sea Grant’s marine aquaculture specialist is to assist in the responsible and sustainable development of the state’s growing mariculture industry. A rapidly expanding sector of this industry in North Carolina is oyster farming.

Froelich examine oysters

Dec 15, 2016

Making North Carolina Oysters Safer

Froelich, a biologist who studies pathogens in shellfish, seeks samples from commercial aquaculture operations and under-dock oyster gardens to better understand the human-health risks of infection from Vibrio in oysters.

bag of spat

Dec 1, 2016

SEA SCIENCE: Growing Oysters at Home in Coastal North Carolina

Gagnon and his wife Korin moved to Emerald Isle from Raleigh. They began by harvesting their own oysters from the wild or buying them from local sources. On a suggestion from Jim Swartzenberg, a former commercial shellfish grower, the couple started growing the bivalves themselves.

Mar 3, 2016

Hunting Oysters

Jane Harrison, North Carolina Sea Grant coastal economics specialist, visits Hyde County to talk oysters and careers.

Dec 1, 2015

BRINGING BACK A BIVALVE: Sea Grant Works to Restore Oysters

North Carolina loves its oysters. Not just hot off the grill or raw on a salty cracker, but also as a keystone species in the state’s more than 3,000 square miles of estuaries. Oysters filter water, provide shelter and protect against erosion. But by some estimates, they are down to as low as 10 percent of their historical numbers.