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Search Results for oysters

Nov 10, 2015

How SAV-vy are Farmed Oysters?

Brady Blackburn discusses how shellfish aquaculture operations might affect submerged aquatic vegetation.

Oct 6, 2015

Studying Oysters in an Estuarine Environment

Brady Blackburn is one of 10 undergraduate students from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studying at an environmental science field site in Manteo, N.C., this fall. He discusses the group's research project: examining the effects of oyster aquaculture on the surrounding environment.

Image: Oysters and silverware scattered on a table with lemon slices, bread, and cocktail sauce.

Dec 1, 2013

MARINER’S MENU: Broiled Oysters

A hard-to-open oyster shell holds a tasty treat. We share a recipe for broiled oysters from Mariner's Menu: 30 Years of Fresh Seafood Ideas, a resource book by Joyce Taylor, available at UNC Press and many bookstores.

shucked oysters

Dec 1, 2002

MARITIME MORSELS: Shucking Oysters, Clams Like a Pro

During the winter months, oysters taste their finest. However, it requires a little work to shuck them. At the annual Seafood Quality and Safety Workshop for environmental health specialists at Pine Knoll Shores, Wayne Mobley demonstrated how to shuck oysters and clams like a pro.

Jul 1, 2024

Ancient Oyster Fisheries

Globally, oyster populations have been declining. Oyster management strategies often rely on knowledge and data from the past two centuries — a period during which many oyster fisheries collapsed due to overharvest, habitat loss, and other causes. 

Jun 30, 2024

Catching up with John Mallette

Good luck catching up with John Mallette. He’s all over the map, literally.

Jun 26, 2024

SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD: What can ancient oyster fisheries teach us about sustainable harvesting today?

Globally, oyster populations have been declining. Oyster management strategies often rely on knowledge and data from the past two centuries — a period during which many oyster fisheries collapsed due…

Jun 26, 2024

The Guide to Coastal Living

Bulkheads have been popular, but these structures come with a number of negatives.

May 14, 2024

Plastic, Plastic, Everywhere

Plastic pollution globally taints land, air, and water. North Carolina is ramping up efforts to better understand and tackle the problem in aquatic ecosystems. North Carolina Standard Course of Study…

Mar 28, 2024

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