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Search Results for oysters

Eastern oysters.

Dec 1, 2005

Learning from the Past: Old Maps Help Build A New Future For The Eastern Oyster

In the age of online mapping services, paper maps may seem obsolete — but try telling that to Eugene Ballance, an Ocracoke fisherman who is transforming 118-year-old survey maps of Pamlico Sound into blueprints for restoring the Eastern oyster.

image: aerial view of waterfront marina in Southport, NC.

Dec 1, 2005

Conservation By Design: Variations On A Theme

By the year 2020, an additional two million people are expected to call North Carolina home. Much of the predicted growth is expected to occur along the coast.

oyster shells

Sep 1, 2005

From Trash to Treasure: Oyster Shell Recycling

Woodard is part of an N.C. Fishery Resource Grant (FRG) project designed to collect discarded oyster shells from the county's restaurants and "recycle" them for use in the state's nine oyster sanctuaries. The old shells are prime substrate for growing young Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica), an ecologically important species that has been in decline in North Carolina for more than a century.

students in environment

Oct 1, 2004

From Students to Sturgeon: Wilson Bay Revived

A wavering line of children — mucking through a path in the marsh to collect critters for a lesson in marine biology — mirrors nearby reeds swaying in the wind. The 9-foot stalks of marsh grass are vibrant with rustled chatter. They form a coastal jungle around the young group.

Oyster reef above water.

Sep 1, 2004

Oyster Science on the Edge: Reef Design and Disease Resistance

The reefs are part of a Sea Grant project focusing on how characteristics of intertidal reef morphology, or shapes, affect fishery habitats. UNC-W graduate students Heather Harwell and Joseph Sonnier collaborated on the project.

image: NC oysters.

Mar 1, 2004

Value-Added Products Boost Sales at Seafood Companies

The new product is just one item that Purvis showcases to Canadian seafood buyers on a marketing trip sponsored by the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Purvis also touts oyster stew made from his mama's "old-fashioned recipe" and steamed oysters.

Cape Lookout Lighthouse in snow

Mar 1, 2004

Keeping the Coast Secure for the Future

Now, with development in some coastal counties approaching critical mass, Tursi continues to pursue answers to many of the same questions as a full-time environmental "guardian."

Mar 1, 2004

North Carolina Seafood Shimmers Under Lights at Famed Fulton Fish Market

As Eric Voliva rolls a Wanchese Fish Company truck into the streets of lower Manhattan, the sky is pitch black except for the lights of the Brooklyn Bridge and skyscrapers.

fishing boats

Oct 1, 2003

Habitat Protection Plans: Homeland Security for Fisheries

High above Earth, a passing satellite blinks in recognition of North Carolina's unique geography: A line of barrier islands protects the mainland from the ocean's energy, channeling its flow through narrow inlets. Behind the barriers, irregular shorelines define a system of shallow sounds, bays and tidal creeks that are intricately tied to the ocean's will. Mighty rivers appear as threads connecting mountains to piedmont to coastal plain.

Sauteed Striped Bass with Garlic Basil Butter. Credit: Vanda Lewis.

Sep 1, 2003

Seafood Traditions: Mariner’s Menu is Coastal Legacy

As the Seafood Lab clock's hands inch toward 9 a.m., Joyce Taylor bustles around the well-stocked kitchen checking last-minute details prior to a new Nutrition Leader session.