Seafood available in spring
Oct 5, 2015
Markets classify hard clams by size. The smallest, under 2 inches, is called the littleneck, after Little Neck Bay on Long Island, where they were once plentiful. Cherrystones are 2 to 3 inches and are named after Cherrystone Creek in Virginia. Topnecks are 3 to 3 1/2 inches. Any quahog larger than 3 1/2 inches is called a chowder clam. Mariner's Menu shares a recipe for Baked Stuffed Clams.
Aug 3, 2015
"Frying" has almost become a dirty word in seafood circles in recent years, and much of the criticism is deserved. We know that grease-laden foods add fat and calories we do not need. But remember that our bodies need some fat. The problem is that we eat too much of it. Mariner's Menu shares a recipe for Fried Clams.
Mar 9, 2015
You'll notice that our recipes tell you to use rock salt in the pan when cooking oysters in their shells. A deep layer allows you to level the oysters in the salt, making them steady and also keeping the contents from spilling out of the uneven shells. Mariner's Menu shares Broiled Oysters with Fine Herbs.
Jan 5, 2015
Parchment can be cut into rectangular or oval shapes. But the classic pattern is a heart shape. Mariner's Menu shares a recipe for Flounder with Fresh Mushrooms in Parchment. Mariner's Menu shares a recipe for Flounder with Fresh Mushrooms in Parchment.
Dec 1, 2014
Recipe Note: For this recipe, we use aluminum foil. Foil can be used the same way as parchment paper, but it doesn’t create the same visual effect. Long before pots…
Nov 17, 2014
Recipe Cut fillets into serving-size pieces. Place on rack, drizzle with sherry and salt lightly. Place on rack over boiling water. Cover and steam until done, about 8 to 10…
Sep 22, 2014
Recipe Blend together cream cheese, lemon juice, onion, Worcestershire, Tabasco, salt and parsley. Add clams and mix well. Add reserved liquid until desired consistency is reached. Chill thoroughly. Serve with…
Jul 16, 2014
Recipe Prepare Lemon Mayonnaise and set aside. Brush steaks with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Grill about 4 inches from coals until done on one side, about 6…
May 7, 2014
Recipe Prepare White Wine Sauce and keep warm. Cut fillets into halves. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and cilantro. Place in one layer on oiled steamer rack above boiling water. Steam…
Jan 6, 2014
Recipe Preheat the oven to 400° F Score by making three diagonal slashes on top of the fish. Place potatoes and onion around fish. Brush fish with melted margarine. Sprinkle…