Project PIs indicated in bold.
Green, B. W., Rawles, S. D., Gaylord, T. G., Schrader, K. K., McEntire, M. E., & Webster, C. D. (2023). Performance of phytase-treated fishmeal-free and all-plant protein diets in pond production of market sized hybrid striped bass. Aquaculture, 577, 740006. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2023.740006
Kenter, L.W. and Berlinsky, D.L., 2023. Growth of Atlantic and Gulf Coast Striped Bass Under Simulated Net Pen Conditions. North American Journal of Aquaculture. In Review.
The Aquaculture Genomics, Genetics and Breeding Workshop, Abdelrahman, H., El Hady, M., Alcivar-Warren, A., Allen, S., Al-Tobasei, R., Bao, L., Beck, B., Blackburn, H., Bosworth, B., Buchanan, J., Chappell, J., Daniels, W., Dong, S., Dunham, R., Durland, E., Elaswad, A., Gomez-Chiarri, M.*, Gosh, K., Guo, X.*, Hackett, P., Hanson, T., Hedgecock, D., Howard, T., Holland, L., Jackson, M., Jin, Y., Khalil, K., Kocher, T.*, Leeds, T,, Li, N., Lindsey, L., Liu, S., Liu, Z.*, Martin, K., Novriadi, R., Odin, R., Olds, B., Palti, Y.*, Peatman, E., Proestou, D.*, Qin, G., Reading, B.J.*, Rexroad, C.*, Roberts, S.*, Rye, M., Salem, M.*, Severin, A., Shi, H., Shoemaker, C., Stiles, S., Tan, S., Tang, K.F.J., Thongda, W., Tiersch, T., Tomasso, J., Tri Prabowo, W., Vallejo, R., van der Steen, H., Vo, K., Waldbieser, G., Wang, H, Wang, X., Xiang, J., Yang, Y., Yant, R., Yuan, Z., Zeng, Q., and Zhou, T. 2017. Aquaculture Genomics, Genetics and Breeding in the United States: Current Status, Challenges, and Priorities for Future Research. BMC Genomics 18:191. *Authors wrote the first draft and initial revision of this manuscript.
Andersen, L.K., Abernathy, J., Berlinsky, D.L., Bolton, G., Booker, M., Borski, R.J., Brown, T., Cerino, D., Ciaramella, Clark, R.W., M., Frinsko, M.O., Fuller, S.A., Gabel, S., Green, B.W., Herbst, E., Hodson, R.G., Hopper, M., Kenter, L.W., Lopez, F., McGinty, A.S.,
Nash, B., Parker, M., Pigg, S., Rawles, S., Riley, K., Turano, M.J., Webster, C.D., Weirich, C.R., Won, E., Woods III, L.C., and Reading, B.J., on behalf of StriperHub. 2021a. The Status of Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis, as a Commercially Ready Species for U.S. Marine Aquaculture. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 52(3) 710-730 (Invited Review).
Andersen, L.K., Kenter, L.W., Clark, R.W., McGinty, A.S., Hopper, M.S., Salger, S.A., Schilling, J., Hodson, R.G., Kovach, A., Berlinsky, D.L., and Reading, B.J. 2021b. Volitional tank spawning of domestic striped bass (Morone saxatilis) using human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue (GnRHa) induced ‘pace-setting’ females. Aquaculture 532:735967.
Andersen, L.K., Clark, R.W., Hopper, M.S., Hodson, R.G., Schilling, J., Kenter, L., Daniels, H.V., Woods III, L.C., Kovach, A., McGinty, A.S., Berlinsky, D.L., and Reading, B.J. 2021c. Methods of domestic striped bass (Morone saxatilis) spawning that do not require the use of any hormone induction. Aquaculture 533:736025.
Bashura, J., Burke, M., Lapitan, R., Mikulec Jr., J., Owens, T., Reading, B.J.*, Richt, J.A., Spencer, D., Valdivia-Granda, W.*, Weekes, J., Wittrock, M., and Wright, D. 2021. Threats to Food and Agricultural Resources. United States Department of Homeland Security, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Analytic Exchange Program. 95 pp. *Authors wrote the first draft and initial revision of this manuscript.
Berlinsky, D.L., Goetz, F., Kenter, L., and Reading, B.J. 2021. Regulating reproductive cycles for captive spawning. In Fish Physiology Volume 38: Aquaculture (Benfey, T.J., Farrell, A.P. and Brauner, C.J., Eds.).
Bjørnevik, M., Imsland, A.K.D., Hanssen, H., Roth, B., Vikingstad, E. and Foss, A. 2021. The effect of alternate-day feeding on growth and feed conversion in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. Aquaculture Nutrition 27: 1206-1211.
Clark, R. W., Henderson-Arzapalo, A., and C. V. Sullivan. 2005. Disparate effects of constant and annually-cycling daylength and water temperature on reproductive maturation of striped bass (Morone saxatilis). Aquaculture 249: 497-513.
Engle, C. 2010. Aquaculture Economics and Financing: Management and Analysis. While Blackwell, Oxford. http://doi.org/10.1002/9780813814346.
FAO. 2014. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture – Opportunities and challenges. Rome, FAO. 223 pp.
Garber, A.F. and C.V. Sullivan. 2006. Selective breeding for the hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops, Rafinesque x M. saxatillis, Walbaum) industry: status and perspectives. Aquaculture Research 37: 319-338.
Hallerman, E.M. 1994. Toward coordination and funding of long‐term genetic improvement programs for striped and hybrid bass Morone sp. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 25(3): 360-365.
Harrell, R.M. 1997 (Ed.). Striped bass and other Morone culture. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Lem, A., Bjorndal, T. and Lappo, A. 2014. Economic analysis of supply and demand for food up to 2030–Special focus on fish and fishery products. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular. No. 1089. Rome, FAO. 106 pp.
North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDA&CS). 2001. Aquaculture in North Carolina: Hybrid Striped Bass, Inputs, Outputs, and Economics. https://www.ncagr.gov/markets/aquaculture/documents/HSB.pdf
Picha, M.E., Turano, M.J. Beckman, B.R., Borski, R.J. 2008. Hormonal biomarkers of growth and applications to aquaculture: A mini-review of growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-I and IGF binding proteins as growth indicators in fish. North American Journal of Aquaculture 70: 196-211.
Quagrainie, K.K. 2019. Consumer Willingness to Pay for a Saline Fish Species Grown in the US Midwest: The Case of Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 50 (1): 163-171.
Reading, B.J., Hinshaw, J., and Watanabe, W.O. 2014a. Research Panel. The NC Marine Fish Culture Workshop. November 20-21. The NOAA Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research, Beaufort, NC, USA.
Reading, B.J. 2017. Marine Fish Aquaculture: Selective Breeding and Reproduction. Invited Seminar, Marine Fish Aquaculture Scoping Workshop and development of the Marine Aquaculture Survey. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida Atlantic University, Fort Pierce, FL, USA. March 23-24.
Reading, B.J., McGinty, A.S., Clark, R.W., Hopper, M.S., Woods III, L.C., and Baltzegar, D.A. 2018a. Genomic Enablement of Temperate Bass Aquaculture (Family Moronidae), In Breeding and Culture of Perch and Bass (Wang, H., and Liang, X., Eds.). Science China Press (Chinese Academy of Sciences).
Reading, B.J., Clark, R.W., McGinty, A.S., Hopper, M.S., Andersen, L.K., Ducharme, E.E., Rajab, S., Kenter, L.W., and Berlinsky, D.L. Presented by B.J. Reading. 2018b. NC State University Updates on The National Program for Genetic Improvement and Selective Breeding for the Hybrid Striped Bass Industry. Invited Symposium, Striped Bass Growers
Association Industry Forum. Aquaculture America 2018. February 19-22. Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Reading, B.J., Berlinsky, D.L., Woods III, L.C., Hodson, R.G., McGinty, A.S., Abernathy, J., and Fuller, S.A. Presented by B.J. Reading. 2019. The status of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, as a commercially ready species for marine aquaculture. Invited Symposium, Status of Marine Finfish Species for US Aquaculture. In Abstracts of Aquaculture Triennial 2019: The Big Easy Choice! (World Aquaculture Society). March 7-11. New Orleans, LA, USA.
Salger S.A., Reza J., Deck C.A., Wahab M.A., Baltzegar D.A., Murr A.T., and Borski, R.J. 2020. Enhanced biodiversity of gut flora and feed efficiency in pond cultured tilapia under reduced frequency feeding strategies. PLoS ONE 15(7): e0236100.
Swann, L, Riepe, J.R., and P.B. Brown. 1992. Analyzing the Profitability of Hybrid Striped Bass cage Culture. Fact Sheet AS-487. Aquaculture Extension, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana.
United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service (USDA ERS). 2013. http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/aquaculture-data. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 2013 Census of Aquaculture. http://www.agcensus.usda.gov/.
Conference Presentations
Reading, B.J., 2019. The Status of Striped Bass, Morone Saxatilis, as a Commercially Ready Species for US Marine Aquaculture. Aquaculture America, New Orleans. https://youtu.be/5IGNzgssxN0.