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Fall 2022

Fall 2022

Letter from the Executive Director

Coastal Currents
The latest research, news, and info.

What’s So Special About North Carolina’s Oysters? 
Savoring the NC Oyster Trail
image: oyster spread on the Fall 2022 Coastwatch cover.Farms, tastes, and tales — now foodies and adventurers can explore the magic of the North Carolina oyster.

Is There a Future for Oyster Relaying in North Carolina? 
For years, oyster farmers in our state have reported greater numbers of healthy oysters in areas that they harvest.

Troubled Waters:
Flooding, Contaminants, and Heightened Risks 

Underserved communities disproportionately experience the adverse effects of flooding and poor water quality. Why is this?

Natural Solutions and Clean Water Future for the Cape Fear 
A new project looks at wooded buffers to reduce pollution.

Hook, Line, & Science 
Hurricanes, Blue Marlin, and Radiation
Southern flounder move offshore to spawn, but their migration patterns
might be more mysterious than we thought.

Ecofriendly Solutions  
Social Media for Sharks

Can YouTube help conserve misunderstood wildlife?

Healthy Habitats
How Do Restored Oyster Reefs Compare to Live Oyster Reefs? 
Restored oyster reefs become more similar to live reefs over time.

Climate Resilience
NC’s State-of-the Art Warning System Strengthens Flood Planning
NC’s new flood-warning system includes 400 river and stream gauges.

Cultivating the Sea 
Is There a Profitable Market for Farm-Fresh Black Sea Bass?
Thanks to breakthroughs from a team at UNCW, this seafood favorite could reach many more consumers.

Mariner’s Menu 
Oyster Casino, Snapper Fillets, Stuffed Clams, and More
These treats are the tip of the iceberg from

The Back Cover
Why the Winter 2022 issue won’t come in the mail.

The Masthead

lead photo credit: Justin Kase Conder.

Access the Fall 2022 issue as a printable PDF.

Access the Fall 2022 issue in 2-page spreads.