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Search Results for oysters

image: plastic particles under microscope.

Jun 20, 2023

A River of Plastics

New research reveals the Neuse River Basin annually delivers an estimated 230 billion particles of plastic to the Pamlico Sound.

Jun 2, 2023

Hook, Line & Science

Sonar imaging revealed when different-sized fish visit oyster reefs. 

Apr 18, 2023

Sustaining Iconic Fish

“I wanted to be a marine biologist, basically from the moment I watched a National Geographic video featuring Dr. Eugenie Clark. She was my hero growing up,” says Matt Damiano, an alumnus from North Carolina State University’s Department of Applied Ecology.

NASA Image

Mar 28, 2023

Coastal Currents

North Carolina Space Grant is offering two opportunities to discover distant worlds — and much more — on one big weekend. On April 21, the NC Space Symposium will feature NASA experts and student research in Raleigh. That night and the next, the Statewide Star Party will take place.

Feb 10, 2023

Community-Engaged Interns Serve Across the State

Each summer, North Carolina Sea Grant offers undergraduate students opportunities to join experts across the state to explore issues affecting local communities.

image: Ricky Moore video shoot.

Dec 13, 2022

Mariner’s Menu: Five Great Recipes — and More

including a sneak peek at the new Mariner's Menu video series, Cooking North Carolina Seafood, featuring Chef Ricky Moore

blue stormy ocean waves with white foam

Sep 22, 2022

Letter from the Executive Director

This time of year is made for venturing outdoors to enjoy the nicer weather and to take advantage of the opportunities our coast provides — fishing, hiking, birding, boating, lighthouse exploring, and eating, among many other great pursuits — once the temperatures dip below hot-hot-hot.

Sep 13, 2022

Healthy Habitats: How Do Restored Oyster Reefs Compare to Live Oyster Reefs?

A new study shows additional benefits from oyster reef restoration — after only six months.

Sep 13, 2022

Is There a Future for Oyster Relaying in North Carolina?

For years, oyster farmers in our state have been telling researchers that they have seen greater numbers of healthy oysters in areas they harvest than in those they leave alone.

Sep 12, 2022

Fall 2022

Fall 2022 Letter from the Executive Director Coastal Currents The latest research, news, and info. What’s So Special About North Carolina’s Oysters?  Savoring the NC Oyster Trail Farms, tastes, and…