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Summer 2018

Table of Contents

From the Executive Director:
Summer 2018: A Fresh Look at What We Do

North Carolina Sea Grant Executive Director Susan White and the team prepare for a site visit from the NOAA/National Sea Grant Office.

The Long View

Julie Leibach describes a pioneering effort in Nags Head to make sea level rise adaptation official town policy.

  • Planning for Uncertainty
    Sea Grant programs engage communities to identify coastal hazards and potential resilience strategies.

Thriving in Sun, Salt and Sand

This excerpt from the new Seacoast Plants of the Carolinas explores how native plants adapt and thrive in various environments. Also check out a few plant IDs from the book.

Research Responds to Key Challenges

New core research projects reflect Sea Grant’s dedication to diverse coastal topics, such as hurricane recovery, oyster aquaculture and saltmarsh conservation.

RISING: Perspectives of Change on the North Carolina Coast

A traveling exhibit weaves together science, oral history and fine art photography to tell a story of coastal change in North Carolina.

People and Places
Capital Achievements: Knauss Finalists Named

Continuing a proud tradition, four new Knauss finalists are heading to D.C. from N.C. universities.

Naturalist’s Notebook
Returning to Shore

Leatherback sea turtle nests spark hope for hatchlings. Danielle Costantini explores the species’ return to North Carolina after a six-year hiatus.

Mariner’s Menu
Summer’s Spread

Long, sunny days are the perfect setting for timeless summer recipes.

Sea Science 
Advancing Community Collaborations

New projects bring researchers and local experts together to consider water quality, planning in flood-prone areas and night skies’ varied values.

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