NC Sea Grant, NMFS Seek Marine Mammal Bycatch Reduction Research Proposals
John Fear, 919-515-9104,
Posted Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The National Marine Fisheries Service, in partnership with North Carolina Sea Grant, is providing competitive funding for research in support of the Bottlenose Dolphin Take Reduction Plan, known as BDTRP, and the Pelagic Longline Take Reduction Plan, known as PLTRP.
The research will focus on innovative and practical proposals that seek to:
- Better understand bottlenose dolphin stock distribution and abundance under the BDTRP; and
- Reduce serious injury and mortality (bycatch) incidental to commercial fisheries of coastal bottlenose dolphins under the BDTRP, and pilot whales and Risso’s dolphins under the PLTRP.
This represents a cooperative research opportunity with the commercial fishing industry, scientists, and other interested parties.
Proposals must be received by 4 p.m. EST on Friday, April 29, 2016.
This opportunity is for research in the south Atlantic region. Final awards are contingent upon the availability of funds. To learn more about this funding opportunity or to apply, go to under “Other Opportunities.”
Proposals can be emailed, mailed or delivered in person.
Email proposals (including any supplementary materials) to Debra Lynch at
For USPS mail, send the hard-copy application to:
- John Fear
- NC Sea Grant
- NC State University Box 8605
- Raleigh, NC 27695-8605
For other delivery options, use this street address:
- John Fear, NC Sea Grant
- NC State University Centennial Campus
- 909 Capability Drive, Suite 2800
- Research Building IV
- Raleigh, NC 27606
For questions or more information, contact John Fear, deputy director for North Carolina Sea Grant, at or 919-515-9104.
North Carolina Sea Grant: Your link to research and resources for a healthier coast
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