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Fisheries Meeting Planned for Central NC Coast


Scott Baker, 910-962-2492,

Posted Monday, February 23, 2015

Logo for Tidewater chapter of the American Fisheries SocietyThe American Fisheries Society Tidewater Chapter will hold their 29th annual meeting at the North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores on March 5 to 7. North Carolina Sea Grant is a sponsor.

“The annual meeting offers an opportunity for our diverse membership — located in North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland — to gather and learn about each other’s work and discuss current fisheries-related issues,” says Scott Baker, current chapter president-elect and Sea Grant fisheries specialist.

The event will feature oral presentations and students presentations, including some featuring Sea Grant-funded research.

There also will be an optional continuing education course, Comparing and Selecting Growth Models, held on the afternoon of March 5.

The chapter works to improve the conservation and sustainability of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems, Baker explains. “We do that by advancing fisheries and aquatic science and promoting the development of fisheries professionals,” he adds..


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