Shape of the Coast Set for February
Lisa Schiavinato, 919-515-1895,
Updated Thursday, February 11, 2016 due to a change of one of the speakers. Originally posted Friday, January 15, 2016.
The 2016 Shape of the Coast is scheduled for 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Feb. 12, at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill. This event is part of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Law Festival of Legal Learning.
The coastal session is co-sponsored by the N.C. Coastal Resources Law, Planning and Policy Center; North Carolina Sea Grant; and the UNC Chapel Hill’s School of Law.

“This year’s program includes a set of timely and robust coastal law topics. Participants will learn how attorneys can most effectively work with scientists as expert witnesses, and about recent and ongoing litigation related to our public trust beaches,” notes Lisa Schiavinato, center co-director and Sea Grant coastal law, policy and community development specialist.
“Whether you’re an attorney, business owner, scientist, regulator or policymaker, you’ll have a chance to learn about coastal law issues that are relevant to you as a professional.”
The discussions will include:
- “Coastal and Marine Science: How To Engage with Expert Witnesses” by Greg D. Icenhour, Vice President and Charlotte Branch Manager for Mid-Atlantic Associates, Inc., headquartered in Raleigh;
- “Public Trust Beaches and Private Property Rights: A Look at Recent North Carolina Cases and Their Potential Implications” by Brian Edes, Crossley, McIntosh, Collier, Hanley & Edes, P.L.L.C.; and by Ben Gallop, Hornthal, Riley, Ellis & Maland, L.L.P.;
- “What’s Ahead for North Carolina Coastal Policy?” Neal Andrew, vice chair, N.C. Coastal Resources Commission; and
- “Federal and State Coastal Case Law and Legislative Update” by Todd Roessler, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton L.L.P., and by Merrie Jo Alcoke, Ward and Smith, P.A.
Attorneys may earn Continuing Legal Education credit for attending. Other professionals and members of the public also are invited to participate. Fees are $125 for those wishing to earn CLEs, and $100 for those who do not. Any media interested in attending should contact Schiavinato at 919-515-1895 or
To register, visit On the left panel, click on Program. Select the Shape of the Coast course for each of the first four sessions (01 thru 04) on Friday, Feb. 12. Then hit the Register Now button.
On the next page, enter your first and last name. Select Continue to proceed to the Add My Information page. In the drop-down menu for Event Fee, choose your preferred payment option for Shape of the Coast Special Rate — with or without CLEs.
For any additional questions on the registration process, contact Schiavinato at 919-515-1895 or
North Carolina Sea Grant: Your link to research and resources for a healthier coast
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