Coastal Expert to Discuss Hurricane Resistant Construction and Effects from Changes to the National Flood Insurance Program
Ben Brink, 910-509-2838,
Posted Thursday, September 18 in collaboration with the N.C. Coastal Federation.
WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH — Spencer Rogers, coastal construction and erosion specialist with North Carolina Sea Grant, will speak at the N.C. Coastal Federation’s Fred and Alice Stanback Education Center in Wrightsville Beach on October 8 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. As an expert on coastal dynamics, Rogers will share N.C. Sea Grant’s recommendations for hurricane-resistant construction methods, and he will provide an update on the potential effects from changes to the National Flood Insurance Program on coastal residents’ premiums.
For more than 30 years, Spencer Rogers has helped private property owners, builders, designers, and governmental agencies to develop, understand shoreline erosion alternatives, and implement marine construction techniques. He is an author and his research has been published in numerous scholarly journals. He serves on the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington’s Center for Marine Science, and as adjunct faculty in the department of civil, construction, and environmental engineering at North Carolina State University.
Rogers’ presentation will provide helpful information for residents and people considering living along the coast. “We are glad to have a speaker who can share insight on topics that are pertinent to living on the coast and understanding this dynamic environment,” said federation fellow Ben Brink. “Our coast is constantly changing and we need to understand how to adapt to these changes and plan for the future as best as we can.”
Everyone is invited to attend this presentation; interested individuals can register at the federation’s education center located at 309 W. Salisbury St. in the Historic Square at Wrightsville Beach or online at The program is free for federation members and $10 for non-members. People can also come to the center the night of the event to register in person.
The public is encouraged to stay up to date with federation events and upcoming programs in November including an exclusive screening of a Cucalorus Film Festival finalist and an archaeological diver who will share stories of shipwrecks, treasures, and artifacts from along the coast.
North Carolina Sea Grant: Your link to research and resources for a healthier coast
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