Oyster Shellabration Set for Oct. 12 to 16

Michele Walker NC DNCR, michele.walker@ncdcr.gov
Jane Harrison, North Carolina Sea Grant, jane_harrison@ncsu.edu
Make plans now to virtually “shellabrate” the environmental, economic, cultural and culinary importance of oysters during North Carolina Oyster Week, Oct. 12 to 16. The week is co-hosted by North Carolina Sea Grant, the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, and the North Carolina Coastal Federation.
“Oysters play an important role in coastal communities and hold a special place in the hearts of folks across the state,” notes Jane Harrison, North Carolina Sea Grant’s coastal economist who also is among the leaders for the new NC Oyster Trail.
Each day will feature a shellfish-related theme, such as ecology, history, culture, economy, and the Oyster Trail. Resources such as historical photos, and tasty recipes will complement the themes. Especially watch for new videos with oyster growers.
“In the environment, oysters filter water, improving water quality, and create habitat for other animals. Their unique flavor also makes them a desirable dish, supporting the livelihoods of watermen and local economies across the state,” notes Erin Fleckenstein, coastal scientist and regional manager for the North Carolina Coastal Federation.
Special events during the week include an Outer Banks Chamber of Commerce virtual presentation about the NC Oyster Trail on Oct. 13. The Lunchtime Live program at 12:30 p.m. includes not only Harrison and Fleckenstein, but also special guest Chef Evan Hayes from Blue Water Grill & Raw Bar in Manteo, who will demonstrate how to shuck an oyster and share favorite recipes. Use this link to register for the Lunchtime Live: go.ncsu.edu/ncoystertrail.
The North Carolina Maritime Museums will “shellabrate” with educational activities, local oyster recipes, videos and live craft times on social media and online at ncmaritimemuseums.com. Also check for special posts from other NC DNCR locations and programs.
To join the shellabration, watch for and share social media posts with the hashtags #NCOysterWeek, #NCOysters and #GiveAShuck.
For details on the schedule and more information, go online to: ncdcr.gov/nc-oyster-week.
North Carolina Sea Grant: Your link to research and resources for a healthier coast.
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