Registration is now open for Sea Grant’s “Reef Fish Webinar Series.” David Hugo, Sea Grant Reef Fish Extension and Communication Fellow, will lead the series, along with Sea Grant programs in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.
The webinar series will spotlight research efforts in the South Atlantic, focusing on Reef Fish Surveying, the South Atlantic Red Snapper Research Program, and the Greater Amberjack Count.
“All three are going to be important components of future stock assessments and management,” says Chip Collier, deputy director for science at the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council. “The seminar series will be a great opportunity to learn about the research and, more importantly, for stakeholders to ask questions about the projects.”

Webinars will start at 6 p.m. ET every other Tuesday, beginning on January 30. The series will include presentations from researchers and question-and-answer sessions.
The Reef Fish Webinar Series is free to attend, but organizers ask that you register in advance. Topics will include chevron trap sampling, close-kin mark-recapture, and offshore tagging efforts.
Hugo says the series is a valuable opportunity for anyone interested in reef fish conservation.
“With innovative approaches to data collection at the forefront of fisheries research in the South Atlantic, scientists are discovering ways to understand offshore reef ecosystems better than ever before,” he adds. “These three webinars will dive into ongoing research, focusing on several large-scale projects underway in the South Atlantic.”
Guest researchers are Walter Bubley from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Will Patterson from the University of Florida, and Sean Powers and Mark Albins from the University of South Alabama.
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