Shape of the Coast Set for February
Lisa Schiavinato, 919-515-1895,
Updated Thursday, February 12, 2015. Originally posted Monday, February 2, 2015.

The 2015 Shape of the Coast is scheduled for 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Feb. 13, at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill. This event is part of the University of North Carolina School of Law’s Festival of Legal Learning.
The coastal session is co-sponsored by the N.C. Coastal Resources Law, Planning and Policy Center; North Carolina Sea Grant; and the UNC-CH School of Law.
“The 2015 Shape of the Coast program will include a great mix of topics for those interested in coastal policies,” says Lisa Schiavinato, Center co-director and Sea Grant coastal law, policy and community development specialist.
The discussions will include:
- “Examining Community Resilience in Virginia’s Coastal Zone Through a Social Vulnerability Index: Lessons for North Carolina” by Carlton H. Hershner, director of the Center for Coastal Resources Management at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and Sarah L. Stafford from the College of William & Mary; and
- “Legal and Policy Issues Associated with Incorporating Social Demographics in Resiliency Planning” by Schiavinato and Roy A. Hoagland, director of the Virginia Coastal Policy Clinic at the College of William & Mary Law School.
In addition, Christine Goebel with the N.C. Department of Justice will provide updates and a look ahead for her organization. She will speak in place of Frank Gorham, chair of the N.C. Coastal Resources Commission.
Also, William A. Raney, from Wessell and Raney, and Todd S. Roessler, from Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, will recap federal and state coastal case law, legislation and litigation.
Attorneys may earn Continuing Legal Education credit for attendance at the program. Other professionals and members of the public also are invited to participate. Members of the public interested in attending should contact Schiavinato directly.
For details, visit
North Carolina Sea Grant: Your link to research and resources for a healthier coast
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